week 29

How far along: 29 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: gained 29 lbs

Maternity clothes: I bought a new shirt last week, a sort-of tunic with wide blue and oatmeal stripes, and ruching on the sides. I kind of want to wear it every single day. Still haven't found any pants that I really feel comfortable in, and think I'll resort to making my own jersey maxi skirt. And, I need to find something to wear for family pictures in three weeks, which is proving to be quite difficult.

Stretch marks: I might have some, but none too noticeable or big.

Sleep: While I can't get enough of it, it is great!

Best moments this week: Seeing the 3D ultrasound of baby girl. She has chubby cheeks! Also being told that I could go on with life as usual at today's follow-up check (work, shopping, nursery-prepping, etc.).

Worst moment this week: If you're a frequent reader, you know all about the debacle that was last week. Worst moment was just not really knowing what was going on, or what to expect. Would we be having a baby this week? This month? Would I be spending the next three months in bed? It was slightly scary. I had also sort of geared-up for being put on bed rest, so while I am thankful that I don't have to stay in bed, I'm also a little disappointed (I had so many crafty projects in mind!).

Food cravings: None really.

Any new symptoms: Not really.

Labor Signs: Apparently cervical thinning.

Innie or Outie: Still that weird hybrid. Seriously, it is weird.

Wedding rings on or off: On, since my office is a refridgerator.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Feeling pretty happy.

Looking forward to: Only 11 more weeks (give or take a few) till we meet baby girl, and till I don't have to be pregnant anymore. I truly am thankful to be pregnant, and am enjoying it, but there are some times when I  think it is pretty hard. Wouldn't trade it for anything, but am glad it is a limited time event. Also, instead of moving around three rooms we decided just to move one, and it is almost done! Then it is time to remove the built-in desk, repaint, spray for creepy spiders (killed a quarter-sized one the other day, eep!), and let the decorating begin. And super excited to see the finished product of the baby quilt my mom and sisters have been working on. It is going to be seriously adorable.


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