best of times, worst of times. it's a little too ironic.

Today I got a fantastic phone call. A called to tell me that he bought a car. For me. A 1999 BMW 328i. I was speechless, which doesn't happen very often. It does need a little work, which is perfect since A is a mechanical genius, so we were going to have it towed tonight. I got so excited I almost couldn't focus on work. Almost.

So, with great excitement, I hopped in my 1992 white Eagle Summit, the two door hatchback I got when I turned 16, and headed for home. (The picture is not my actual car, but similar.) On the freeway, about in Woods Cross, I noticed a faint racket, like a card in the spokes of a bicycle. I was blasting NPR and eating an apple, so I turned down the radio and set down my drive-home snack to get a better listen. Sure enough, when I stepped on the gas, card in bicycle spokes. If I let off, it went away. By chance I happened to chance at my temperature gauge, and it was on H. H is for HOT.

I was halfway to the next exit, so I tried not to touch the gas but still hurry off, since the freeway shoulder was about as wide as a sidewalk. The light at the end of the off ramp was red, so I stopped, and so did my car. Completely. It died. I put on my flashers, but people still honked, as if honking would make my car start again. Some wonderfully nice people pushed me around the corner and out of traffic, yelling at me through cigarette to put it in gear and put the key in, things I didn't know since I've never had a car die before. I called A, and he came to my rescue. Long story short, he hooked it up to a battery charger, added almost an entire bottle of coolant, and we slowly drove it to the shop. After, we went to Subway for dinner, and finally got home around 9:00 pm. I left the house this morning at 8, and got home at 9. What a day.

Isn't it ironic that on the day I get a new car Ol' Faithful decided to die? We now own 5 cars, or at least we will tomorrow when we get the BMW. There's the Eagle Summit, the Mitsubishi Eclipse, the red Mitsubishi Mirage we got for the AC and other parts, A's Toyota truck, and the soon to come BMW. Luckily, the red car will be going to the car cemetary tomorrow.

I am very excited to have a car I'm not embarassed to get into or pull up in, that has power locks and windows, a sun roof, and has 5 speeds. Automatic will also be nice, since I'm frequently stuck in traffic and my foot gets awefully tired of holding down the clutch. I'm excited for four doors, and for a smooth quite ride. Very excited.


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