A Little Bird

A little bird told the Relief Society President that I'm "expecting." My due date is sometime in August. So nice to finally find out that I'm pregnant. That little bird was my next door neighbor, Mrs. Clause. The R.S. Pres. asked me about it at a baby shower tonight, I told her it was news to me, I mean, I may have gained 15 lbs, but do I really look six months pregnant? I turned bright red, but mostly just thought it was funny. It wouldn't have been so funny if we were having fertility problems. Just goes to show that people really ought to be careful about what they ask and say.


Unknown said…
Yeah, but you're not having fertility problems, so it's reaaaalllly funny!
Marta Nielsen said…
Yeah, I didn't elaborate on that so well... it really was hilarious just because we are NOT trying to get a baby, at all. I was telling another lady that had missed the gossipy moment, and she was so embarrassed for me, and felt bad that I had to endure that in front of so many people. I assured her that I was not offended and that it really was just funny. It was funny to come home and break the news to A.
klt9976 said…
Oh my goodness! That is too much. Who does that. Doesn't your neighbor know that you NEVER ask about someone being prego unless you have had it confirmed!?!?!?!

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