Does it seem like I haven't blogged a lot lately? It is because I haven't. Because I am so unbelievably crazy busy. Busy enough that I had a group meeting (for class) at 7:00 on a Saturday, because that was the only time we could all get together. Busy enough that when my dad asked me how A was doing, I replied that I didn't really know, because I haven't really seen him much myself (how sad is that?). Busy enough that t is a good day if I'm getting two complete meals in. So busy.
The end is (sort of) in sight. While I know school will be over soon, for this semester, anyway, it still seems really far away. I still have two big papers to write, one big one to finish. One powerpoint presentation remaining, one guerrilla project to complete, a bunch of service hours still to do, and a public meeting in Morgan to attend. I still have to attempt to get 9 hours of work in there (I know, doesn't seem like much, but sometimes it is a stretch) and luckily, my employer has been very gracious and understanding when I don't quite make it.
Want to know one of the things that has taken the hit from all this business? My house. Oh goodness, it is depressing. Every day I dump everything in the front room. There is a pile of books, papers, purses and bags, and shoes. Kitchen? seems like no matter how many loads of dishes I wash, there are always more waiting on the counter. Bathroom? We won't even go there. Laundry business? Let's just call it Mount Laundrimore. Maybe I should go try to remedy part of this mess instead of complaining to you all about.