we really did... though the picture is deceiving, i took it just before i stuck them in the freezer, so they are all spread out. it was suprising how little you get once you take the peas out of the pods.
My peas failed this year. They got ambushed my my HUGE tomato plant so i couldn't reach them very well to water and/or pick them. I got a few peas but they dried out and died before we even ate any. We've already eaten some tomatoes and green peppers from our garden though! So fun!
bummer! well, though it is satisfying to eat something home grown, i honestly don't know if we saved anything by growing our own peas. peas are pretty cheap, and for as many plants as we have, we didn't get that much. i'm jealous you already have tomatoes! we have one that is almost red enough, but it's basically a cherry tomato. We just picked our first pepper today, A is planning on making chili with it.