te gusta?

I've moved on from booties. They are cute, but decidedly a little bit odd looking. Here's my new project. What do you think? I'm hoping to try it on baby niece Z (there is a toddler Z too, different sides of the family...)this weekend. Since it's just a prototype, made with yarn and ribbon that i just had around, hopefully future cloches will be even more adorable. I may even make one for myself, as well as my now 5 nieces. I may eben take requests...


amy said…
oh please let's make it fit!!! it is soooooo adorable and i love it!!! now just to get it to stay on z's head....
Unknown said…
me gusta! Toddler Z wants one.
Unknown said…
That is so cute!! You do a good job at making those.
Holy Cute Marta! I need lessons!
Anonymous said…
can you make one to fit my big giant head???
o wait. there is not enough yarn in the world to cover my head. ;(
Marta Nielsen said…
Thank you thank you everyone... I should probably get a pattern because even hat #2 (I pulled this one apart and remade it) was a little goofy size wise. Then I can make them for everyone. Especially one to fit Chelsea's giant head, big is hard for me, long though... I can do that. Like I said... pattern.

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