recycle me.
I toured Rocky Mountain Recycling today, and learned a whole bunch. First, if you're like me, you think of recycling as "clean," since you aren't supposed to recycle anything yucky, just paper, cardboard, and clean plastic, right? Wrong! It was really smelly, and really dusty, and really cool.
Here's what else I learned, most things you think you can't recycle, you really can. For example, pizza boxes, grocery bags, seran wrap, tin foil, plastic baggies... all recyclable. No recycle symbol or number? No problem. Also, don't bother rinsing out your cans or your milk jugs. Pretty much don't rinse anything. However, don't put styrofoam in your bins, or boa-constrictors. They don't like those at the plant. Oh, and leave out the glass too.
you are saving me a lot of time.
I originally wasn't rinsing out my cans, but then my neighbor said she always did & I thought - yeah. I'd better. Because they don't like yucky cans. So I have been, but I don't want to.
So... anyway... thanks!