The only running shoes I have are Brooks Cascadia 2 trail runners, pictured above. I got these when my sister and her husband were working at a comfort shoe store in Las Vegas. My parents paid for them, and I think they were a bit expensive, as most Brooks are. This is what I wear when I exercise, and they are tolerable. It's difficult because my ankles pronate, meaning they roll in, so I need corrective insoles. These insoles are not the softest, and aren't meant to be. When I'm exercising I really want a shoe that will not just support and correct, but have some shock absorption.
I'd really like to retire my Cascadias to just hiking shoes, which they are great for, and get some true running shoes. Unfortunately, this is expensive, and I think A expects me to go to the local big box and get something for $20, which I'm not too interested in. What I'd like is another pair of Brooks, so if you have a favorite just let me know.
You'll have to shell out more than you might normally, but having a good shoe will (ideally) make running a lot more enjoyable (no shin splints, fewer aches, fewer knee problems), and less of a chore.
I know this sounds like a sales pitch, but seriously, it's worth the investment.
The best stores will let you try a shoe out and return it if it doesn't work for you.
It'll be more of an investment, but a good shoe can (ideally) make running a lot more enjoyable (no shin splints, fewer aches, fewer knee problems), and less of a chore.
I know this sounds very sales pitch-y, but seriously, it's worth it.