
I'm feeling antsy, and in need of a vacation. Any ideas? Any vacation buddy volunteers? Unfortunately, our closest and cheapest tropical neighbor is ridden with swine flu, so Mexico is pretty much not an option.


Unknown said…
Um, hi? California? Your free home base is right in the middle of S.F., Yosemite, sweet beaches, and the best strawberries on earth! Hurry, come see me!
amy said…
How about Moab on Memorial Day weekend? Saturday, Sunday. Back monday. Hiking and pretty views. Only, don't expect anything hard core. We're pretty slow with the z and frequently defer to her comfort. :)
Marta Nielsen said…
I *think* we are planning a Merced trip for Abe's baptism and the family sealing... though strawberries may be gone by then!

As far as Memorial Day goes, I'm getting my Patriarchal Blessing (finally!) that Sunday. And A doesn't really want to pay to go on vacations anywhere, unless it involves free lodging like camping, so I'm unfortunately stuck!
Slimey Jaime said…
Since your husband is a CHEAPO (I suffer from the same condition) - there are countless hikes to do around the good old SLC. Shoreline comes to mind. You could take breakfast and watch the sun rise. Just watch for snakes, and mountain bikes.

OR, what about a day trip to Logan for CHEESE and COOKIES? Your hubby's current diet probably won't allow for that, huh.

There are also some interesting land art installations around. The Spiral Jetty (may be under water) or the sun tunnels, or just Antelope Island for a picnic? We'd go with you.

Also - congratulation on getting your patriarchal blessing. Mine has been very useful and comforting, as has my dear sweet Wife's. In fact, I think it was her blessing that convinced her she should marry me :) Her's has lots of advice for her future (at the time) husband, and has helped strengthen my testimony of gospel principles that otherwise are sometimes difficult for me.
Anonymous said…
dude, i didn't know you didn't have your blessing! what a great experiance that will be! They are GREAT!

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