week 34

How far along: 34 week, and still pregnant!

Total weight gain/loss: Haven't checked recently. At this point, what's the point?

Maternity clothes: Sometimes I think, oh only seven more weeks of wearing these clothes, I can do that! Then other times the thought of dressing for seven more weeks is really discouraging.

Stretch marks: Ugh. Sunday night I managed to see the underside of my belly. It is now streaked with stretch marks. I'm pretty sad about it. Good thing I'm not a bikini wearing girl, right?

Sleep: Enjoying daylight savings and the "extra" hour of sleep, though I'm sure that will wear off soon!

Best moments this week: Serious nursery progress. All of the clothes are washed, sorted, and put away. Andrew is convinced baby girl will never have to wear the same thing twice. I've tried explaining that the clothes are not all the same size, but to no avail. I also made the slipcover for my ottoman, the coordinating throw pillow, and restuffed and covered the boppy pillow. I also got to have two dates with Andrew, which was pretty fun! We're enjoying our last few months/weeks as just the two of us.Oh, also got to go to our first birth class (the Third Trimester class at the hospital). That's kind of a reality check, this is really happening! It also made me realize that I am not in nor am I close to being in labor. Short cervix or not, I think baby will wait until December to come. Oh, and we got family pictures back, and they turned out so well! I'll share, I promise.

Worst moment this week: A few stressful days at work. It is getting more and more difficult. That's all I'll say.

Food cravings: I'm "craving" a lot of sweets, but I think it is mostly because I'm having withdrawals! I'm doing a no-sugar-November thing, so I get my fix from delicious little mandarin oranges and yummy grapes.

Any new symptoms: Nothing new, just a continuation of back aches and baby jabs.

Labor Signs: After going to class, I've decided that I'm not having any labor signs. Braxton Hicks are normal, and as long as I stay hydrated I'm pretty okay.

Innie or Outie: No change since last week, still flat/in but can be made to be out.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Though tired and uncomfortable most of the time. Still.

Looking forward to: Second birth class, finishing touches on nursery (crib sheet and skirt, hanging pictures, chandelier, etc.), finding out progress in dilation and effacement at Friday appointment, getting through another week and being another week closer to meeting baby girl and not being pregnant anymore and going on maternity leave.


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