looks like christmas
Here's some of my Christmas decorating this year.
First, a hammered aluminum lazy-susan tray with a big triple-wick candle in the center, surrounded by some vintage Shiny Bright glass balls. This is my holiday table centerpiece.
You can also display those vintage Shiny Brights right in the box! I chose just a few that have the neatest boxes and are in the best condition.
I also wanted to feature a few of my favorite ornaments. My mom (who is an amazing thrifter) found a few of these pretty icicles at Deseret Industries. I love them!
This little wooden angel is from a set of three that I bought in Germany this past October.
I love this Santa. A former and favorite coworker gave this to me, it is Danish glass.
Finally, this is what I'm most proud of. I usually have this gold mirror on my lime-sherbet colored coffee table, and around Christmas I love to pair it with glass balls, because of the reflection affect. This year I pulled out my two-tiered hammered aluminum serving tray and filled it with glass balls. I love how the largest ones are almost pink! (Plus, can you see my awesome green chairs in the background? I intended to paint and recover those, but they have totally grown on me. Now I have a red and green living room. I love it.)
What are your favorite Christmas decorations?